No matter where you are in life—starting your career, approaching retirement, or somewhere in between—NAR's Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness is here to help! Review and purchase discounted sessions from previous classes. Learn from subject matter experts and gain valuable information on each session.

View webinars on:

Taxes | Real Estate Investing | The Stock Market | Credit & Debt | Budgeting & Finance | Retirement & Succession Planning

Please note that the information and materials provided in Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness webinars and seminars are not intended or provided to be used as a substitute for the advice of your tax, investment, legal, and/or financial advisors, or to be the basis of specific financial planning activities.


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Taxes & Retirement

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Tax planning matters at every stage of your career, and that’s true even after you stop working. Will your tax bracket suddenly plummet? Or will it have spikes and valleys that you can manage strategically? We’ll talk about smoothing out your tax brackets during retirement, the Golden Planning Opportunity: ages 59.5 to 70, and questions like:

  • How is Social Security income taxed?
  • What if I relocate to a new state when I retire?
  • Do I have to pay tax on my pension?
  • What’s the deal with RMDs?
  • Should I do Roth conversions?

Presenter: Heather C. Liston, CFP®, E.A.

Estimated Taxes: Why, When, How, and How Much

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Self-employment is great, especially when you’re making money. But without an employer to withhold taxes from your paycheck, how do you make sure you’re paying your taxes correctly? We’ll talk about when estimated taxes are due, how to pay them, how to calculate what you owe, and what to do if you miss a payment. We’ll also talk about state taxes, safe harbors, and some tips for managing your tax payments in a two-earner household.

Presenter: Heather C. Liston, CFP®, E.A.

Increase Personal Wealth by Spotting Opportunities for Improvement in Your Tax Return

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Now is the time to gather your documents and go through the process of completing your return. This is also the time when many taxpayers feel a little anxiety and uncertainty as they ask themselves:

  • Did I do the best I could to minimize taxes and create more opportunities for personal wealth?
  • Is there anything more I can do to take advantage of my unique position as a REALTOR® and independent contractor?
  • What exactly should I be looking for in my return, and what does it mean?

Presenter: Rich Arzaga, CFP®, AIF, Founder and CEO of Cornerstone Wealth Management

A Deeper Dive Into Several Real Estate Tax Topics

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Tax issues are everywhere you look in the real estate world. From deciding whether you will operate as a sole proprietor filing a Schedule C on your Form 1040 to deducting the costs of a home office to understanding the basics of the qualified business income deduction, tax decisions are integral to the business of a real estate professional.

Many of your clients (or maybe you) own rental property. How well do you understand the basics of depreciating real property or the vacation home rules? This webinar will cover these topics, as well as the fundamentals of 1031 like-kind exchanges and gains and losses on sales of real estate.

Presenter: Evan Liddiard, CPA, NAR Director of Federal Tax Policy and Policy Advocacy

What to Do If You've Got IRS Trouble

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Taxes are complicated in the best of times, and the last couple of years have not been the best of times. Constant changes in the tax law, redesign of basic forms, and changes in enforcement priorities have left a lot of people with unexpected tax liabilities, not to mention fines, late fees, and interest. We’ll talk about how to get back on the right foot with tax withholding and reporting, and what to do if you find yourself at odds with the IRS.

  • How to avoid owing money: Estimated taxes, managing your withholding, and the importance of filing.
  • IRS errors: How to spot them; how to handle them.
  • What if it’s not your fault? Injured spouse and innocent spouse remedies.
  • Worst-case scenarios: liens, garnishments, and more.
  • Statutes of Limitations.
  • Mitigations: Appeals, payment plans, amended returns.

Presenter: Heather C. Liston, CFP®, E.A.

Real Estate Investing

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The Three Approaches to Real Estate Investing

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In this webinar session/series, Steven Moraldo will explore the primary investment strategies REALTORS® can use when investing in real estate, defining the approach to investing and beginning the process of creating an investment planning strategy that fits their expected criteria (i.e. ROI, cashflow, appreciation, and/or tax benefits).

Presenter: Steven Moraldo, Owner/Business Development

Real Estate Investing for REALTORS®

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Real estate investing can help you achieve financial independence. As REALTORS®, we have several advantages in the real estate market, from our inside knowledge of the forces and trends that dictate our local markets, to resources like private financing and discounts. Being a REALTOR® also carries with it the weight of extra accountability. As REALTORS®, we must be thorough in our disclosures and careful to assess the properties in which we choose to invest.

Presenter: Nick Krautter, REALTOR®

Intro to Commercial Real Estate Investing

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What are your investment goals? Why choose commercial real estate? Commercial real estate includes multi-family, retail, industrial, and office space.  Investing in commercial real estate offers unique advantages and various potential benefits. Among these benefits are steady cash flow and higher income potential. However, it is important that the investor thoroughly completes due diligence prior to purchasing commercial real estate to ensure that it aligns with their investment goals.

Presenter: Nick Krautter, REALTOR®

The Stock Market

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How Real Estate IRAs Work: A Step-by-Step Case Study

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REALTORS® who are not familiar with self-directed IRAs may be missing out on a great opportunity. As an agent you are in a unique position to help your clients save for retirement and grow your own retirement savings— you come across the real estate deals firsthand and know the market.

Self-directed IRAs are becoming increasingly popular. Stock market volatility and the overall investors need of a well-diversified retirement portfolio are creating a demand. Don’t get left behind. Discover how to use this powerful investment tool to secure your retirement and increase your value to clients. During this webinar you’ll learn:

  • The main rules for real estate investing with an IRA
  • Creating deals with popular strategies
  • Making the purchase offer with IRA funds
  • How to pay bills and deposit rent checks
  • Tips to grow your business building awareness

Presenter: Jason Craig, President, CISP

Investing Strategies: Deep Dive Into REITs

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This webinar goes forward and takes a deep dive into two different non-traded REITs. Both REIT funds:

  • purchase commercial real estate properties located across the United States;
  • pay investors tax-advantaged, passive income;
  • are offered by reputable, experienced managers;
  • are available to investors at minimums starting at $5,000.

And, both are competing for your investment dollars. What separates these funds is their approach to real estate investing and the types of properties they buy. If you are interested in real estate investing, then purchase this in-depth review and compare two top non-traded REITs.

Presenter: Rich Arzaga, CFP®, AIF®

Investing for Absolute Beginners

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Ever wonder what people mean when they say you should have a more aggressive portfolio and rebalance your debt and equity with more exposure to ESG, ETFs, and REITs, while avoiding wash sales and STCG rates? This is your chance to ask your most basic investing questions without fear.

We'll demystify the vocabulary, debunk a few myths, and increase your confidence. Afterwards, you'll be able to understand more of what you read about investing, take some sensible actions, and know who you can ignore.

Presenter: Heather C. Liston, CFP®, E.A.

Investing for the Seasoned and Sophisticated

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This session is for those who are familiar with the basics and want to do more sophisticated investing. We'll talk how to evaluate a good stock vs. a good company; technical vs. fundamental stock analysis; and various classes of investments including stocks, bonds, funds, ETFs, private equity, options and derivatives, real estate (of course!), and even a little about cryptocurrency. Also, how to build a prudent portfolio with diversification, liquidity, and potential upside.

Presenter: Heather C. Liston, CFP®, E.A.

Credit & Debt

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The Psychology of Money: Managing Debt and Taking Control of Your Financial Life

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Money is stressful. Money is the leading cause of stress for Americans—all of us. But it doesn’t feel that way. It feels like we are alone on an island and everyone else has it together. So we end up doing what it looks like everyone else does... and we go into debt doing so. In addition, we are all a product of our upbringing. What we saw and experienced as children shaped how we make financial decisions today. Many of us end up in debt because of the stories we tell ourselves about money’s role in our happiness. These stories that we tell ourselves are called Money Scripts, and if left unexamined, they can keep us stuck.

Understanding the psychology of debt and money is powerful. It helps us understand the role we want money to play in our lives. It helps us ask the question, “What happens when we pay off all our debt? What’s the money for?”

Learn why we end up in debt, and how we can ground ourselves to a financial purpose in order to keep ourselves out of debt. Understand your Money Scripts to improve your financial health.

Presenter: Derek Hagan

The Current Affair of Student Loans and How It Affects You

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About four in 10 adults who attended college incurred at least some debt for their education. This is more prevalent as more professions are requiring at least a bachelor's degree, while at the same time education costs have increased by 34-50% in the last decade. Chances are someone in your household has graduated with a price tag on their diploma.

Student loans have been a hot topic recently. A lot has happened in the last two years. Payments for all federally-held student loans were paused on March 13, 2020, by the CARES Act. Also, the Education Department recently opened up the Public Service Loan Forgiveness waver, in which FFEL and Perkin loans may be eligible for forgiveness by taking steps by October 31, 2022.

Payments, including defaulted collections, resumed in August 2022, after being on pause for over two years. Yet, many borrowers are still financially hurting and may not be ready to restart their payments, especially if their income suffered during the pandemic.

Join us to learn more about the current changes and what you can do to prepare for repayment, including whether an Income-Driven Plan may be advantageous for your repayments.

Presenter: Rosario Chacon, CFP®, FBS®, CSLP®, EA

Budgeting & Finance

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Financial Applications for Entrepreneurs

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Learn the top five tech tools for managing their financial records to be a successful and profitable business owner. Using these tools will help you have the right systems and processes in place to effectively manage your bookkeeping year-round.

Presenter: Sabrina Lowery Chief Technology Officer for Sabrina Lowery Enterprises, LLC

Savings Strategies When Your Income Varies Month to Month

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In this webinar, Rachel Marshall shares her own struggles with saving money and the real-life strategies she used to overcome the month-to-month and consistently begin putting 30% or more of her monthly income to work. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Overcome the three forces that are making your poor;
  • Learn three key strategies to keep more of your money today;
  • See how one simple change can increase your savings.

If you are looking for ways to save and invest more of the income you already make, build good money habits without having to work harder or live on ramen, and supercharge your emergency/opportunity fund and make it do twice the work, this webinar is for you.

Presenter: Rachel Marshall

Types of Business Entities and Tips for Selecting the Right One

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This webinar gives a broad overview of the different forms of business entities in the United States. Each entity form has different requirements and aspects, and the webinar provides a base understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of each. Participants will come away with a working knowledge of entity types and advice on ways to select the best one for their business.

Presenter: Ariel Siner, Attorney Hoge & Fenton

Setting Up Your Financial Road Map – Agent to Broker

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Agents need a mentor, a guidebook, strategies, systems, and tools to be successful. So, if you want to become a broker and grow a team, start a brokerage, create multiple streams of income, and build a solid foundation that will increase your net worth, join this workshop to hear Sabrina Lowery’s journey from agent to broker in less than seven years. Sabrina has built a multi-million dollar brand in less than a decade with a plan and tech tools to automate various processes in her businesses. She shares her experiences and can help you navigate the pathways to becoming a broker-owner.

Presenter: Sabrina Lowery REALTOR®, Broker, Instructor

The Wealthy Woman: Infinite Banking Strategies for REALTORS®

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Today, about half of women out-earn their husbands and partners. As women’s incomes rise, so does the need to take an active role in managing household finances to meet your current and future needs. Now, more than ever, women need the knowledge and tools to do the most with your money, so you can enjoy your money and create a legacy that lasts for generations. In this workshop, Rachel will show you the “seven generation” mindset to make the best financial decisions, walk you through a system for managing money that makes you feel wealthy, and demonstrate the power of life insurance as a warehouse of wealth.

Presenter: Rachel Marshall

Personal Finance: Lessons From the Pandemic and How They Could Help Strengthen Your Financial Future

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COVID allowed everyone to take a real-time look during an extraordinary time at their financial readiness. The question for you as a REALTOR® during this time is, were you prepared? What could you have done differently? And what should you know if this happens again?

This workshop will cover four areas of personal finance that, if understood better, could help REALTORS® strengthen their financial readiness.

  1. Inflation: What is the potential impact of high inflation on your future, and what is the best way to prepare for it?
  2. Interest rates: How should you factor in rising interest rates, and where can it benefit your finances?
  3. Investment behavior: How most investors hurt themselves during the steep decline in the stock market in March 2020, and what you can learn from these choices.
  4. Financial planning: How a sound financial plan, and an excellent financial advisor, can provide a roadmap to better personal finance outcomes.

This workshop is ideal for REALTORS® who felt unprepared financially during COVID, primary wage earners of households, and individuals responsible for a family’s financial decisions.

Presenter: Rich Arzaga, CFP®

Marriage and Financial Planning Matters: 8 Great Financial Mistakes Couples Make, and How to Avoid Them

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Couples planning to spend the rest of their lives together need to act soon to take steps that can help secure their financial goals. For example, AARP studies show that 80% of couples who reach age 65 will be unable to maintain their standard of living in retirement. Many of that 80% could have avoided being in this position.

This program will cover eight great financial mistakes couples make in planning for their future. These mistakes include missteps in:

  • Investment planning;
  • Long-term care planning;
  • Tax planning;
  • Other areas.

This program is ideal for all couples interested in tips on which mistakes to avoid and how to improve their current and future financial condition.

Presenter: Rich Arzaga, CFP®

Retirement & Succession Planning

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Determining Your Business Value and Preparing to Sell It

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Want to retire from real estate? Want to maintain an income stream and ensure your clients are well cared for? When most agents retire they don’t get anything from the effort and time they’ve put into their business. You might refer a client or two to a peer but the problem is there is no continued pro-active marketing.

The Golden Handoff is the process of valuing and preparing your business for sale to an Adopting Agent, then finding a great Adopting Agent who will take over the task of taking care of your clients and make sure you get the most benefit from all the work you’ve put into your business.

Presenter: Nick Krautter, CEO of City and State Real Estate

4 Ways to Exit Your Business & 4 Ways to Reduce Taxes on Your Exit

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As Baby Boomers continue to retire in record numbers and other hard-working REALTORS® consider financial independence in earlier years, a historic number of real estate practices will change hands in the next 10 years. The question becomes, how can you get the highest value for the business you have created? And what can you do today to manage taxes on these gains and keep more for your financial independence?

To help you achieve success, this webinar will help you understand:

  • Four ways to exit your real estate business;
  • The pros and cons of each exit strategy;
  • Four ways to reduce or eliminate taxes on highly appreciated business equity.

If you are a broker-owner or own a top producing team, you don’t want to miss this important webinar.

Presenter: Rich Arzaga, CFP®, AIF®

Medicare & You

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No two ways about it: Medicare is complicated. But chances are you've been paying into it your entire working life, and you have a right to reap the rewards when the time comes. Being prepared in advance can save you a lot of headaches and ensure that you maximize the benefits available to you. Learn how to qualify for Medicare, when and how to apply for benefits, what’s covered and what isn’t, how much to budget for premiums and co-pays after your Medicare eligibility begins, and how to find more answers when you need them.

Presenter: Heather C. Liston, E.A., CFP®

The Real Estate IRA — A Crucial Strategy to Help REALTORS® Build Retirement Wealth

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Here’s a tremendous opportunity to learn about a strategy that can help you maximize your retirement savings. Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are NOT the only assets allowed in retirement plans. Retirement accounts can also invest in residential, commercial, and other real estate assets— tax-free, penalty-free.

During this educational webinar you will learn how a self-directed IRA (or real estate IRA) helps you take full control of your retirement savings to invest in real estate. Many successful REALTORS® like yourself are using their expertise and taking advantage of this strategy to build and pass down retirement wealth, lower their taxable income, and fully diversify their portfolio with the asset REALTORS® understand well—real estate.

Presenter: Jason Craig, President, CISP

Securing Your Retirement: Transforming Social Security Into a Winning Retirement Strategy

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Over 10,000 people turn 62 in the United States every day. In fact, 21% of the population will be 65+ by 2030. This is the time when Americans can make elections on when and how much to collect from social security. The questions for most is; when should I start collecting and why? If I am married or divorced, what are my options? This program will cover the following areas of this important benefit:

  • How Social Security works;
  • Rules for Social Security benefits;
  • Collection strategies.

If you're turning 62 over the next few years or have loved ones who will be turning this age, you will want to attend this workshop. This is program suited for REALTORS® of all levels of experience.

Presenter: Rich Arzaga, CFP®
