Interested in learning more about the campaign and election process for NAR Elected Office? Find links and forms below about the application for NAR Elected Office, election timeline, and campaign and election rules.

Applications for 2025 NAR Elected Office must be submitted between March 1, 2023 through June 1, 2023.

Please use the applicable PDF form below to submit an application for 2025 NAR Elected Office. 

Questions about NAR’s campaign and election process may be directed to Credentials and Campaign Rules Committee Staff Executive Deanne Rymarowicz.

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Overview of Election Process and Campaign Rules

View the timeline for filing an application for 2025 NAR Elected Office and highlights key reminders about application requirements.

NAR Campaign and Election Rules: An Overview for Association Executives

Associations play an important role in supporting NAR’s campaign and election process. Whether you are a new Association Executive, or want to refresh your knowledge, this primer provides an overview of key information about the NAR campaign and election process.

Required Criteria and Qualifications

Required Criteria for Candidates and Elected Officers

In order to be deemed eligible to run for NAR Elected Office, a Potential Candidate must meet the required criteria as of June 1st of the year prior to the year in which the Potential Candidate’s election would be held:

  • No personal bankruptcy pending or discharged within the last 7 years
  • No personal foreclosures within the last 7 years
  • Credit score at or above 650
  • No current delinquent tax filings and/or payments

Qualifications & Guidelines for Regional Vice President Candidates

Campaign & Election Rules Manual

  • The Campaign & Election Rules Manual outlines the process, procedures, and rules for REALTORS® seeking NAR Elected Office.

Supplemental Campaign Guidelines

Application for Elected Office

Applications for 2025 NAR Elected Office must be submitted between March 1, 2023 through June 1, 2023.

  • An Endorsed REALTOR® may file an Application for NAR Elected Office beginning on March 1 through June 1 of the year prior to the year in which the Endorsed REALTOR®’s election would be held.

Potential Candidate Campaign Team Disclosure Form

  • The Potential Campaign Team Disclosure Form must be submitted with the Application for NAR Elected Office.

Financial Disclosure Statement

  • The Financial Disclosure Statement must be completed by candidates for NAR President-Elect, First Vice President, and Treasurer.

Quarterly Reports

  • Eligible Candidates and Appointed and Elected Officers are required to submit a quarterly report within fifteen (15) days of the end of each calendar quarter confirming that the individual continues to meet the Required Criteria.


Additional Resources