You should be able to count on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to honor an agreement. And yet, in a complete breach of commitment and legal precedent, the DOJ backed out of an agreement with the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) that would more explicitly state the spirit and intent of NAR's Code of Ethics and MLS guidelines in some key areas.

NAR has forged ahead. At our Annual Conference in November, NAR's Board of Directors will consider motions by the Technology and Emerging Issues Advisory Board that reinforce greater transparency and disclosure of compensation offered to buyer agents, ensure listings aren't excluded from search results based on the amount of compensation offered to buyer agents, and reinforce that local MLS market participants do not represent brokerage services as free.

Yet, the DOJ filed a response last week balking again at any commitment to honor the agreement in response to our petition saying they should.

FULL TEXT: Charlie Oppler: DOJ needs to honor agreement with NAR - HousingWire 

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