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Ethics Forms

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Form #E-1 — Ethics Complaint
Form #E-2 — Notice to Respondent
Form #E-3 — Reply
Form #E-4 — Grievance Committee Request for Information (Ethics Complaint)
Form #E-5 — Response to Grievance Committee Request for Information
Form #E-5.1 — Grievance Committee Report Form
Form #E-6 — Notice of Right to Challenge Tribunal Members
Form #E-7 — Challenge to Qualification by Parties to Ethics Proceeding
Form #E-8 — Official Notice of Hearing
Form #E-9 — Outline of Procedure for Ethics Hearing
Form #E-9a — Outline of Procedure for Ethics Hearing with Complaint and Counter-Complaint
Form #E-10 — Certificate of Qualification
Form #E-11 — Decision of Ethics Hearing Panel 
Form #E-11a — Sample Findings of Fact and Conclusions
Form #E-12 — Action of the Board of Directors
Form #E-13 — Request for Appeal
Form #E-14 — Official Notice of Appeal Hearing
Form #E-15 — Checklist of Professional Standards Concerns
Form #E-16 — Seating Arrangements for Hearings
Form #E-17 — Ethics Activity Report
Form #E-18 — Outline of Content of Petition for Declaratory Relief
Form #E-19 — Sample Agreement to Establish Multi-Board (or Regional) Professional Standards Enforcement Procedures
Form #E-20 — Notice to Respondent (Ethics) and Optional Waiver of Right to Hearing
Form #E-21 — Sample Letter of Reprimand/Warning
Form #E-22 — Appeal of Grievance Committee Dismissal of Ethics Complaint
Form #E-23 — Action of the Appeal Hearing Tribunal (Ethics Complaint)

Ethics Mediation Resolution Agreement

Arbitration Forms

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Form #A-1 — Request and Agreement to Arbitrate
Form #A-2 — Request and Agreement to Arbitrate (Nonmember)
Form #A-3 — Notice to Respondent
Form #A-4 — Response and Agreement to Arbitrate
Form #A-5 — Grievance Committee Request for Information
Form #A-6 — Response to Grievance Committee Request for Information
Form #A-7 — Notice of Right to Challenge Tribunal Members
Form #A-8 — Challenge to Qualifications by Parties to Arbitration Proceeding
Form #A-9 — Official Notice of Hearing
Form #A-10 — Outline of Procedure for Arbitration Hearing
Form #A-10a — Outline of Procedure for Arbitration Hearing Involving a Request and a Counter-Request
Form #A-11 — Certificate of Qualification
Form #A-12 — Award of Arbitrators
Form #A-13 — Request for Procedural Review
Form #A-14 — Official Notice of Procedural Review
Form #A-14a — Decision of the Procedural Review Hearing Tribunal
Form #A-15 — Checklist of Professional Standards Concerns
Form #A-16 — Seating Arrangements for Hearings
Form #A-17 — Mediation Resolution Agreement
Form #A-17a — Notice of Settlement, Withdrawal of Arbitration Request
Form #A-17b — Mediation Resolution Agreement
Form #A-18 — Arbitration Activity Report
Form #A-19 — Sample Agreement to Establish Multi-Board (or Regional) Professional Standards Enforcement Procedures
Form #A-20 — Appeal of Grievance Committee Dismissal or Classification of Arbitration Request
Form #A-21 — Action of the Appeal Hearing Tribunal (Arbitration Request)

Procuring Cause Arbitration Worksheet

Mediation Forms

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Agreement to Mediate
Ethics Mediation Resolution Agreement
Mediation Officer Selection Form
Mediation Resolution Agreement
Notice of Request for Mediation
Notice of Selection of Mediation Officer
Request for Mediation
Sample Letter for Mediation Officer
Termination of Mediation Conference
