Find out more about the "That's Who We R" Consumer Advertising Campaign.

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Why do we need a Consumer Advertising Campaign?

Through this campaign, NAR aims to demonstrate to consumers the value REALTORS® bring to the real estate transaction and beyond – in their communities, in their understanding of local markets, and in their influence on public policies that encourage and facilitate real property transfer and ownership.

As the communications environment becomes ever more cluttered, NAR’s Consumer Advertising Campaign ensures that the REALTOR® brand remains front-and-center with consumers through a comprehensive, multichannel strategy to reach consumers and REALTORS® wherever they are—including online platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram; digital channels like Hulu, Amazon, and Roku; and traditional channels like television, radio, and print.

What are the goals of this campaign?

The new campaign is driven by three primary goals:

  • Demonstrate the value of a REALTOR® to consumers
  • Distinguish REALTORS® from other real estate agents, and listing apps
  • Deliver members a sense of pride in being a REALTOR®

With an integrated strategy aimed at both consumers and NAR’s 1.5 million members, this campaign shines a light on the incredible value and service REALTORS® provide to their clients, while adhering to the REALTOR® Code of Ethics. It also shows that REALTORS® are a powerful, positive force in the communities where they live and work as volunteers and advocates for property ownership.

How long has the campaign been running?

The National Association of REALTORS®' Board of Directors voted on November 17, 1997 to fund an initial national advertising campaign for three years beginning in July 1998, and the Board has continued to approve the extension of the campaign in three-year cycles. NAR's campaign materials have evolved over the years and currently include video, radio, digital, and social media content, as well as strategic media partnerships. New campaign materials will be available for members as well as state and local REALTOR® associations to run in their own areas.

Who determines the direction of NAR’s advertising efforts?

NAR’s Consumer Communications Committee has oversight for the Consumer Advertising Campaign. The committee makes recommendations to the NAR Leadership Team for consideration and final approval. In late 2018, Havas Chicago—a global, award-winning advertising firm—became NAR’s creative agency and began working with NAR’s Consumer Communications Committee and staff on new goals and introduced the That’s Who We R campaign. NAR continues to work with Havas Media in Boston to deliver the multichannel media strategy and implementation reaching consumers.

What is the Consumer Ad Campaign Special Assessment in 2023?

NAR members have been funding consumer advertising for 20+ years through a small special assessment. The assessment provides incredible value, giving REALTORS® a national audience to showcase their brand, thus increasing the association’s reach and impact to the public while driving home the value of home ownership and importance of hiring a REALTOR®. Thanks to the special assessment, NAR is one of only a few associations that have the scale to undertake a national brand advertising campaign to support REALTORS®, which is one of the reasons the REALTOR® brand is so recognizable and highly valued.

The special assessment was $35 between 2009 to 2022. NAR’s Board of Directors voted to increase the per member assessment by $10, making it $45 annually for the years 2023-2027. Media costs continue to increase and there are many more channels and platforms where our brand needs to have a voice. As a result, a motion was made in the 2022 budget review meeting, which was ultimately approved by NAR’s Board of Directors.

How will NAR measure success?

NAR employs an ongoing brand tracker and fields a consumer survey at least annually, to analyze how consumers feel and think about REALTORS® and the REALTOR® brand. The consumer perceptions allow NAR to adapt their marketing and brand strategies accordingly.   

Performance of specific creative executions and media strategies are measured via brand lift studies and consumer engagement metrics that reveal key consumer insights about our target audiences.   

Also, a statistically valid random sample of REALTORS® from across the country are surveyed to assess engagement with and affinity for the ad campaign and its elements.

How can members and REALTOR® associations get involved with the campaign?

Campaign materials will be provided on for use in their local markets. Access print and banner ads, posters, social posts, and links to TV and radio spots.

Also, follow @REALTORS across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to access and share the social content that will be published on an ongoing basis as part of the new campaign.

Where can I get more information about the Consumer Advertising Campaign?

Visit to learn about the strategy and research behind the campaign, and to view current campaign materials.

Follow @REALTORS on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to leverage the social elements of the campaign across your own social networks.

For any additional questions, contact NAR’s Karen Bebart at
