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Cover of the Health Insurance Survey report
  • 88% of members reported having health insurance for 2022.
  • Among the 11% of members who reported not having health insurance for 2022, 81% cited that premiums/deductibles were too expensive, 12% said that they couldn’t find a plan that they liked, and 4% said that insurers turned them down because of pre-existing health conditions.
  • The top priorities related to health insurance coverage cited by members were affordable premiums, reasonable deductibles and co-pays, and access to preferred doctors.
  • If a REALTOR® association health plan were offered with equally comprehensive benefits as their current plan, 15% of members said they would join it and leave their current health insurance plan, and 42% said they would join if there is a savings compared to their current plan.
  • Members said that it would take a median of 31% of savings for them to leave their current health insurance plan and join a REALTOR® association health plan.
  • The main reasons that members chose their current primary health insurance provider were: it was the only option for health insurance (27%), it was the cheaper option after comparison (25%), and it offers better services or benefits (20%).
  • 10% of members reported having W-2 employees, with a median of 2 employees. Among that 10%, 26% of members currently offer an employer-sponsored health insurance plan.


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