Thank you for being a part of the REALTOR® community, now over 1.5 million members strong. As a REALTOR® member, the National Association of REALTORS® is here to support and assist your professional growth every day. We’re deeply engaged in all facets of real estate, strengthening your business and the entire industry, to ensure your success and the opportunity for all Americans to achieve the dream of home ownership and enjoy the benefits of investing in real property.
How NAR Membership Dues Help REALTORS® to Succeed
How Your Membership Dues are Used
What Your Investment Gives You in Return
ADVOCACY: NAR has your back, advocating for federal, state, and local policy initiatives that strengthen the ability of Americans to own, buy, and sell real property.
TECHNOLOGY: NAR powers innovation in real estate and gives you access to the extraordinary Realtors Property Resource® platform.
LEGAL & RISK MANAGEMENT: Access risk management advice, information on state & federal legal compliance, and valuable materials to help you navigate issues commonly faced by real estate professionals.
REALTOR® BRAND: Your membership gives you the right to use the globally recognized REALTOR® brand, as well as NAR’s award- winning “That’s Who We R” ad campaign and materials, designed to help consumers understand the REALTOR® difference.
EDUCATION: Expand your knowledge and explore new interests with training and tools covering multiple areas of real estate, advanced training for areas of specialty, publications, research reports, and more.
EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS: NAR supports you with business intelligence, including analysis of local market data, home buyer and seller demographics, commercial market insight reports, the world’s largest real estate library, and much more.