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- For a significant proportion of real estate market participants, like-kind exchanges (LKE) provide an important vehicle to dispose of and acquire property.
- Like-kind exchanges are available to individuals, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies, as well as trusts.
- The main requirement of a like-kind exchange is that the disposition of one property and acquisition of another property must be part of an integrated transaction, rather than two individual transactions.
- REALTORS® are active participants in like-kind exchanges as investors, brokers and agents, intermediaries, and professional advisors.
- Sixty-three percent of REALTORS® participated in a like-kind exchange transaction during 2011-14.
- In 2014, REALTORS®’ average fair market value of all transactions was $7.0 million
- Like-kind exchanges accounted for 39 percent of total FMV, or $2.7 million per respondent.
- Ninety-six percent of REALTORS® indicated a decrease in real estate values in case of repeal of like-kind exchange provisions.