Globalization continues to significantly affect the U.S. real estate industry, with impacts far beyond large transactions in major markets. Foreign investment occurs in both the commercial and residential sectors in every state and in markets of all sizes. The perennial increase in these activities tells us it's much more than a short-term trend.

The key to finding global business, even in unexpected areas, begins with adopting a global mindset. The reports below are broken into the thirteen NAR regions and highlight information about the market in the states in each region. You don't have to live in these states to benefit from this information. You can apply the business strategies discussed here in many other markets and learn how to identify and cultivate global opportunities in any local market.

NAR Region I: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont

NAR Region II: New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

NAR Region IV: Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee

NAR Region VI: Michigan and Ohio

NAR Region IX: Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma

NAR Region X: Louisiana and Texas

NAR Region XI: Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming

NAR Region XII: California, Guam, Hawaii

Please check back for reports for the remaining regions, which will be posted in the coming months.


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