More Than a Living

Greetings, AE friends!

Fall is upon us, and with this season there often comes a feeling of promise and new adventure. Maybe that’s just me recalling how exciting back-to-school time can be, or knowing that I need to put away the summer clothes and break out the sweaters in anticipation of crisp fall weather. Either way, as association executives, we look to each new day and season with the optimism of doing something great.

The work we do in our communities is one of those great things. Throughout my career, one of the things that has made me most proud is how REALTOR® associations constantly strive to give back to their communities. In every town and city across the nation, AEs, REALTOR® associations, and REALTORS® are known for giving back. They contribute to the lives of people in countless ways, and the contributions they make to their communities help build and support a healthy quality of life.

Together, we can build the spirit of hope and achievement that our country desperately needs.

This edition of REALTOR® AE magazine is dedicated to highlighting associations’ community outreach. Your efforts not only make a difference in your community but also honor and promote the REALTOR® brand. And when you succeed, the entire organization can say “That’s Who We R!”

“You are not here merely to make a living,” President Woodrow Wilson once said. “You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.”

Sharing our successful community outreach efforts enables all of us to renew our commitment to giving back. Every AE I know has a great story to tell regarding their association’s community outreach endeavors, and the nation is better off because AEs are willing to share. Together, we can build the spirit of hope and achievement that our country desperately needs.

Just imagine if every community was lucky enough to have its local association use a National Association of REALTORS® Placemaking Grant to brighten the lives of local citizens. Imagine if every municipality was fortunate enough to have REALTORS® actively address housing shortages and lead discussions on equity. This is not a dream that’s out of reach; as individuals and as an organization, we can have a positive impact.

As you read through the community outreach initiatives shared, I encourage you to reach out to those who’ve contributed and to introduce those ideas to your own association leadership. Let’s all ask how we can make an impact and enrich the world. Be among those who celebrate the phrase “That’s Who We R” with pride, knowing that you are not here merely to make a living. 



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