During his tenure as the 1990 president, Norman D. Flynn* personified the National Association of REALTORS® as the voice for real estate by assuming a pro-active stance on the many issues that faced the real estate industry in that decade.
Flynn chose to "have a hand in shaping the future, rather than having the future shape the Association," through aggressive stands on legislative acts regarding the housing industry in the '90s. His support of bills to reinstate a housing policy evidenced the Association's affirmation that all people have the right to home ownership.
One of the major issues Flynn addressed during his presidency was housing affordability. He believed that "America is at a crossroads and one side of the crossroads is the great American dream, and nine out of every ten people say home ownership is part of that dream."
Flynn spearheaded Association efforts to assist REALTORS® on the state and local levels with increasing public pension fund investment in mortgages. He also worked with the Association staff and members to strengthen and extend educational programs available through the National Association, state associations, and local boards.
Throughout the year, Flynn served as an articulate voice for real estate by maintaining a high profile through the media. He provided a positive outlook on the real estate industry during difficult times by reaching millions of people through over 1,000 interviews, press conferences, and live television appearances on all major networks.
A pro-active leader before his presidency, Flynn served as president of the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association in 1983, as well as its secretary and treasurer in previous years. He also held the position of president of the Greater Madison Board of REALTORS® in 1976. Flynn's actions and leadership on behalf of his state and local board were honored with both organizations' "REALTOR® of the Year" awards.
As an active member of the National Association, Flynn served as the Chairman of the State and Municipal Legislative, Multifamily Housing, and Membership Promotion Committees. He continued his involvement in his local community as a director with commercial Management Services, Inc., a firm managing commercial properties, and as a member of the Madison Apartment Association.
A former teacher of speech, forensics, and English, Flynn began his career as a licensed real estate broker in 1970, and continued to attain the professional designations of Counselor of Real Estate (CRE®) and Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB®). He was also a member of the REALTORS National Marketing Institute®. He was founder and president of Norman D. Flynn Assoc. Inc., a Madison, Wisconsin investment firm specializing in selling income properties, land, and business opportunities to individuals and companies.
Norman Flynn passed away on Friday, June 4, 2021 at his home in Monona, Wisconsin. He was 79.