REALTOR® Association Management Self-Study Courses

These courses and resources can help association executives increase their knowledge of REALTOR® association management. To assist you in completing the courses, consult The Answer Book and the AE Competencies and Body of Knowledge.

Note: These courses do not count for Continuing Education (CE) credit.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Self-Study Module

Looking to satisfy the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and fair housing requirements for Core Standards (Core Standard II. Advocacy/F)? This stand-alone self-study module on DEI was pulled from the REALTOR® Association Management (RAM) AND the Advanced RAM self-study courses and is designed to increase awareness and greater understanding of this topic. There is no cost to take this exam; you must achieve 80% to pass. AEs can earn 1 hour of Core Standards professional development credit for this module.

Get started

Fair Housing Self-Study Module

Looking to satisfy the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and fair housing requirements for Core Standards (Core Standard II. Advocacy/F)? This stand-alone self-study module on Fair Housing was pulled from the REALTOR® Association Management (RAM) AND the Advanced RAM self-study courses and is designed to increase awareness and greater understanding of this topic. There is no cost to take this exam; you must achieve 80% to pass. AEs can earn 1 hour of Core Standards professional development credit for this module.

Start the module

Advanced REALTOR® Association Management (ARAM) Self-Study Course

Purchase course

Advanced Administrative Concepts Self-Study Course on Professional Standards

  • Provides in-depth study of professional standards. 
  • ADF: 20 points
  • RCE Recertification: 10 points
  • Core Standards Professional Development: 6 hours
  • Cost: $75

Note: This course does not fulfill the requirements for the mandatory Professional Standards Administrator Training (PSAT).

Purchase the course

REALTOR® Association Management (RAM) Self-Study Course

This free course covers 29 areas of REALTOR® association management and policy.

  • ADF: 50 points
  • RCE Recertification: 15 points
  • Core Standards Professional Development: 6 hours
  • Cost: Free

Begin/Resume Course

REALTORS® Excelling in Association Leadership (REAL) Self-Study Course

This no-cost, self-guided online course can be used as a training tool for potential or current leadership. It can also be used by association staff to review the basics of leadership at your association.

  • ADF: 10 points
  • RCE Recertification: 5 points
  • Core Standards Professional Development: 3 hours
  • Cost: Free

Begin/Resume Course
