A major achievement of William M. Moore*, 1987 president of the National Association of REALTORS®, was the formation of a joint national housing policy, which was designed to help American policymakers and opinion leaders address the nation's most important housing issues. It outlined specific legislative concerns of the National Association, the National Association of Home Builders, and the Mortgage Bankers Association.
As evidenced by the national housing policy, cohesive Association lobbying efforts remained a priority during Moore's term. As Moore stated during his term, "Members of Congress do indeed pay attention when our members contact them." "Operation Challenge" was one plan that helped state associations focus on the Association's existing political programs, such as the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) and the Congressional Contact Network (CCN). Moore pushed for a balanced federal budget, stressing that it was directly related to REALTORS®' success.
Lobbying demands did not keep Moore from branching into the international market. He traveled to Japan and spread the word that the United States was ready to work cooperatively with international investors and promote close relationships, noting that it was becoming an "economic imperative."
Members' educational career paths were another concern of Moore. He helped organize educational courses designed to increase members' competency and professionalism. He also urged members to use and promote the REALTOR® "R" logo in their business transactions, thereby increasing the public's awareness of REALTORS® and the real estate industry.
Before becoming president, he was one of the National Association's 13 regional vice presidents in 1984, representing Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. He has been a member of the Executive, Strategic Planning, Mortgage Banking, and Legislative committees. In 1980, he served as president of the REALTORS® National Marketing Institute (RNMI).
On the state level, Moore was president of the Colorado Association of REALTORS® in 1975 and was Colorado REALTOR® of the Year in 1977. He was 1973 president of the Denver Board of REALTORS® and was honored by the local board as 1974 REALTOR® of the Year.
Moore was the owner of Bill Moore Enterprises, Inc., a commercial brokerage and development company, and MAC Holdings Inc. He was previously president and CEO of Coldwell Banker Moore & Company, formed when he sold his family’s business, Moore & Company, to Coldwell Banker in 1998. He was also a member of the Real Estate Council at Colorado University's Leeds School of Business.
Moore was a member of the board of directors of the United Bank of Denver and Mountain States Employers Council, as well as past director of the Denver Chamber of Commerce.
Source: NAR Archives
Learn more about William Moore:
In Memoriam: 1987 NAR President William M. Moore, (REALTOR® Magazine, Jan. 2019).