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When you take time off, you give yourself the mental and physical space needed to gain new perspective and insight, which can be a boon for business. Help others do the same with these tips.
Build in time for self-care in order to set boundaries around the work-life balance you want to achieve.
But make sure your team structure actually provides space for work-life balance. Shay Hata, a team leader in Chicago, lays out your options.
From 2022 NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience, Nov. 11-13, Orlando, Fla.
Constant connection might sound like good business, but it can undermine focus and productivity. Experts break down how to step back.
Take these steps to balance your focus between yourself and your family and reaching your end-of-year business goals.
A mental health professional explains the risks of overworking and how to be more intentional about taking a breather.
Learn how to set realistic expectations with clients so you can take breaks from work and recharge without risking business.
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