NAR’s Good Neighbor Awards recognize REALTORS® who make an extraordinary impact on their communities through volunteer work. Winners receive $10,000 grants for their cause and national publicity.

Volunteering Works helps REALTORS® grow their charitable projects through working with a mentor and seed money. Apply now.

Good Neighbor Award Application
Deadline: April 19, 2023
Volunteering Works

Deadline: March 30, 2023

2022 Good Neighbor Award Winners

These volunteer leaders move mountains to help people in need in their communities. When someone is hungry, homeless, poor, in need of a mentor or a safe place to live, it’s REALTORS® who came to their aid.

2022 Honorable Mentions & Web Choice Favorites

From hundreds of nominees, five more REALTORS® received Honorable Mentions for their outstanding philanthropic work. Their causes will receive $2,500 grants. Read about them below.

About Volunteering Works

The Volunteering Works program matches REALTORS® who would like to expand their community service outreach with grants and mentorship.

Past Good Neighbor Award Honorees

NAR's Good Neighbor Awards was launched in 2000 and has since recognized nearly 200 REALTORS® for their service to their communities.

Good Neighbor Awards Media Kit

Do you need information about a Good Neighbor Award winner, or do you want to publicize the Good Neighbor nomination deadline or voting period?

Sponsors & CRD
All NAR Good Neighbor Programs: