NAR Library & Archives has already done the research for you. References (formerly Field Guides) offer links to articles, eBooks, websites, statistics, and more to provide a comprehensive overview of perspectives. EBSCO articles (E) are available only to NAR members and require the member's nar.realtor login.
The Basics
Buying a Foreclosure Home at Auction: The Basics (Auction.com, Jun. 8, 2022)
A brief overview of how to purchase a home at auction, including the steps for participating in an in-person and an online auction.
Buying Real Estate at an Online Auction (The Balance, Apr. 24, 2021)
“Most house hunters don't initially set out to bid on a home through an online auction. They may be conducting online research or attending virtual viewings, but just as these online activities have become more mainstream in the real estate industry, online auctions have become more common as well…[This article discusses] some reasons a house might be sold at auction, the breakdown of the auction itself, and what you'll need to know in order to participate.”
Auctions (National Association of REALTORS®)
This resource from NAR includes the basics and benefits of auctions, types of auctions, properties suited for auction, factors affecting auctions, how to get involved, auction opportunities, how to find an auctioneer, and courses available to members to increase their knowledge and practical experience with auctions.
The Auction Market
How Auction Buyer Data Foreshadows Housing Market Shifts (HousingWire, Jul. 21, 2022)
“Retail housing market data from June showing early signs of a real estate slowdown was foreshadowed three months earlier in buyer behavior at foreclosure auctions… The downshift in buyer behavior at the foreclosure auction came two months before the downshift showed up in retail housing market data. That’s because buyers at foreclosure auction are on the frontlines of the local housing markets where they operate, often the first to identify and react to coming market changes. Behavioral buyer data from the foreclosure auction, therefore, acts as an early warning system for imminent market shifts.”
Auctions See Higher Owner-Occupancy Rates for Foreclosed Homes (HousingWire, Jul. 14, 2022)
“The Federal Housing Administration’s recently announced first look program for foreclosed property auctions is a welcome innovation that should help boost a trend that has been developing over the past decade: more foreclosed homes getting into the hands of owner-occupants and fewer getting into the portfolios of large-scale single family rental operators, often backed by Wall Street.”
What Happened to Real Estate Auctions During the COVID-19 Pandemic? (New England Real Estate Journal, Jul. 30, 2021)
“In the past couple of decades, a successful and well attended auction might be considered one where 5 to 8 registered/qualified bidders attended with their negotiable bank check…COVID created the perfect storm which generated the ultimate bidding war machine at our real estate auctions. We began to see 15, 20 and even as many as 30 registered and qualified bidders showing up cash-ready to compete. Not only did the lack of foreclosures throw fuel on the fire but in addition, low interest rates and the lowest housing supply of recent record catapulted the process to unseen levels.”
Co-Star Group Closes Acquisition of Ten-X Commerical, the Leading Digital Auction Platform for Commerical Real Estate (Business Wire, Jun. 24, 2020) E
A discussion of the acquisition of the “leading platform for conduction commercial real estate online auctions” by CoStar “the leading providor of commercial real estate information.” As the US economy recovers from the pandemic, this acquisition will help creditors to sell foreclosed properties in the commercial property business.
Auction Resources & Education
Government Auctions and SalesSearch for a variety of government surplus and seized property—including real estate. This includes auctions of real estate through the US General Services Administration, US Treasury, and US Marshals Service Seized Assets. In addition, there is information about obtaining property by auctions through Fannie Mae, FDIC, USDA, HUD, and the VA.
National Auctioneers Association
The National Auctioneers Association (NAA) “is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to auction professionals…The association is dedicated to providing its members with educational programming and resources to help them advance themselves and, in turn, the industry. Members of the NAA abide by a strict Code of Ethics and are connected with an extensive network of auction professionals…NAA serves auction entrepreneurs with services provided based on four cornerstones: promotions, advocacy, education, and community.”
eBooks & Other Resources
The following eBooks and digital audiobooks are available to NAR members:
Auctions (Kindle, eBook)
The All-New Real Estate Foreclosure, Short-Selling, Underwater, Property Auction, Postive Cash Flow Book (Audiobook, eBook)
Buying and Selling Property at Auction (eBook)
Buying Bargains at Property Auctions (eBook)
Books, Videos, Research Reports & More
As a member benefit, the following resources and more are available for loan through the NAR Library. Items will be mailed directly to you or made available for pickup at the REALTOR® Building in Chicago.
Besner Auction and Realty Policy and Procedure Manual (Acme, MI: Besner Auction, 2004) HF 5438 B46
The All-New Real Estate Foreclosure, Short-selling, Underwater, Property Auction, Positive Cash Flow Book (Wiley, 2009) HD1382.5 .H69
The Pre-Foreclosure Property Investor’s Kit: How to Make Money Buying Distressed Real Estate – Before the Public Auction (Hoboken, NJ, Wiley, 2005) HG 4521 L96
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