Real estate professionals and consumers depend on strong fair housing laws and practices for our communities and economy to thrive. Discrimination distorts the housing market and closes the door on the American dream of homeownership for qualified buyers. At NAR, we advance our commitment to fair housing through policy advocacy, innovative programming, and legal guidance.

Policy Advocacy

NAR promotes public policy to advance broader homeownership availability, accessibility, and affordability in all communities. We prioritize efforts to narrow homeownership gaps among demographic groups and promote strong enforcement of anti-discrimination laws in the housing market. 


NAR's Fair Housing Action Plan, abbreviated ACT!, emphasizes Accountability, Culture Change, and Training, to advance fair housing in the industry. We raise awareness, deepen understanding, and hold ourselves accountable.


NAR provides guidance and support to ensure our members comply with fair housing laws and the REALTOR® Code of Ethics. We work closely with state and local associations to establish best practices on evolving legal issues in real estate.

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