Quick Takeaways

  • Meth labs can negatively impact property values, but efforts at decontamination can help boost value.
  • The US Drug Enforcement Agency keeps a database of properties that were used as meth or other clandestine drug labs.
  • The US does not have federal laws regarding meth lab disclosure or meth lab cleanup, but non-disclosure can lead to harmful effects for new occupants without proper decontamination.

Could that Home Be Contaminated with Meth? (REALTOR® Magazine, Jan. 28, 2019)

The production of methamphetamine is alarmingly simple, composed of readily available, household items. The resulting chemical cocktail permeates nearly every surface of the home and property, exposure to which can lead to cancer, organ damage, and numerous other health problems, particularly to children. The effects on homes and property are long-lasting and cleanup requires a hazardous materials team. This topic contains information for REALTORS® and property managers regarding warning signs, disclosure laws, and hazardous effects of meth and meth labs upon humans and property.

See References for more information.
